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  • Writer's pictureDan White

What is my Group Exercise spirit animal??

The seemingly endless number of group exercise classes on offer can be a little overwhelming, particularly when trying to decipher the subtle difference and which is best for your needs. Here break down it down in simple terms.

Pilates – At its core is essentially a variety of targeted, low intensity exercises which focus on technique. This controlled approach is effective in generating movement and building strength within the body. It is available in group or one-on-one and involving specific apparatus (Reformer) or body weight (Mat) classes. Recommended for people across fitness levels it is most beneficial for those recovering from injury as part of a rehabilitative program.

Yoga – Exploding in popularity in the 21st century, Yoga takes its origins from India thousands of years ago. However understanding the expansive culture of Yoga should not be considered a barrier to entry with the health benefits being many. Classes take many forms, incorporating a combination of breathing, exercise and meditation. The many poses better known for promoting flexibility also increase resilience, while the meditative aspects benefit the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Functional Movement – Included in this definition are the hugely popular disciplines of CrossFit, F45, HIIT and many Group Functional Exercise Classes. Whilst all have their unique attributes, they each involve sequences of high intensity exercises with brief periods of rest; a highly evolved version of traditional circuit training. Working in this fashion is terrific cardio workout, helping to burn fat and build muscle. Open to people of all fitness levels, it is most suited to those with some experience with fitness training.

If none of the above sound like your cup of tea then don’t be afraid to try something a little different. From Latin-American dancing, Tai Chi, Rock Climbing to Walking Groups we are blessed with a number of terrific alternatives in the greater Melbourne Area. Whichever you may choose, group exercise is a terrific way of meeting new people, keeping motivated and getting fit!

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